Tuesday, January 25, 2011

TV and Video Games

I have a 32'' HDTV,but before i had a 19" TV.

My Video Games
I have an Xbox 360. Its awesome because you can play online (via XBOX LIVE) games and chat with friends.
I needed a larger TV mainly because of my game. Because when I play my game, i need a large screen to look at. For example, if I'm playing Madden 11, I want to actually turn my head when the Quarterback throw the ball.

Add me on XBOX LIVE my gamertag is FatStackz Will

1 comment:

  1. Good post!. Change the size of the pics in the post though. They're falling off your template. Choose the "edit post" tab, click the image and choose "medium"
    Text me when it's done :)
